Renewal Programmes

Renewal Programmes

1. Orientation Programme for Local Superiors of San Joe Province

Sr. Maria, Thuckalay (Date: 1-9-2013)

An orientation programme for local superiors was conducted at San Joe Provincial House Azhakiyamandapam on 1st September 2013. Superiors of the nine convents in K.K.Dt and the Provincial team participated in the programme. Two hours adoration was conducted in the chapel from 2 p.m- 4 p.m. This was followed by a light refreshment. At 5 p.m. the superiors and Provincial team assembled in the hall. Rev. Sr. Celia, the Provincial Superior welcomed the audience. Then she extended a warm welcome to Sr. Maria who was present there to give an orientation talk to the superiors.

Sr. Maria gave an inspiring talk for 11/2hours. The topic was "Superios is an animator".With her own experience as a superior she first led the sisters to the theme that superior is the charism of the religious community.Authority is a gift of the Holy Spirit given for the upbuilding of christs children according to His design. Authority is given by God to serve the sisters. She must be a model to the sisters in virtue, prudence and zeal. Superior must preserve and foster unity and spirit among the sisters. The class was followed by a common discussion. Sr. Lysbeth the provincial councillor thanked Sr. Maria and the superiors.

2.Charism of F.C.C.
By Rev. Mt. Goretti, Deva Matha Province,Changanacherry

Two days class was conducted on 1st and 2nd October 2013 at San Joe Provincial House,Azhakiyamandapam.36 sisters and 4 candidates took part in the conference.The conference started at 9 a.m. on the 1st of October.Rev. Sr. Celia, the Provincial Superior welcomed Sr.Goretti to the conference.The aim of the programme was to lead the members to the charism of the founding mothers,of Bishop Charles Lovigne the founder of F.C.C. and the spirit of Puthenparambil Thommachan.

The eight founding mothers of F.C.C.lived the Gospel life as reflected in the life of St. Francis and St.Clare. They had no writen rule.The only rule they followed was the advice of Bishop Charles Lovigne and the good practices of the third order of Francis which was given to them by Puthenparambil Thommachan, the servant of God.

Our heritage is the Franciscan spirit.We have inherited the heritage from our founding mothers."The basis of Franciscan life is personallovefor christ crucified. From this follows many other virtues namely poverty of spirit, brotherliness, freedom of spirit joy and loyalty to the church"(No. 4 Const) Sr. Goretti explained the original spirit of St. Francis is the following classes.The sum and substance of Franciscan life are two principles, a life of minority and fraternity rooted in the love of God, the Father.Our way of life shoule be a practical reflection of these two principles.Each class was followed by discussion in groups. On the second day a common discussion was conducted based on the group discussions and some decisions were taken. During the last class the programmes for the post centennial Silver Jubilee celebrations were taken.Sr. Tresa Jose gave thanks to Rev. Sr. Goretti who spent 2 days with the members of San Joe Province and inspired them to start again in the footsteps of our founding mothers.

3.Orientation address given by His Excellency Mar George Rejendran Bishop of Thuckalay on 13th May 2014 to the synaxis members

Plenary synaxis of San Joe Province Thuckalay was held from 11th to 15th May 2014. An orientation address was given to the members of the synaxis by His Excellency Bishop Mar George ajendran. He reached at 5 p.m. Rev. Sr. Celia, the Provincial Superiorextended a warm welcome to His Excellency. His talk was based on the theme "Family Life" because 2014 is declared as family year by our Diocese.Today we live in a worldwhich is mad after luxury and worldiness.People are enslaved by the pleasures of this world.We must acquire mastery over our instincts and freedom of heart. Families do not give due importance to God and the word of God.His Excellence ramarks that today 'Conveniences' takes the place of 'convictions'.We should 'rejoice always in the Lord'.The Bishop quoted the words of Pope Francis that "Christian love is loving without counting the cost".Each encounter with Jesus will fill our hearts with the energy to carry out our task without counting the cost. It is God who gives us reward for our endeaviour.The Bishop reminder the sisters that we should tell these facts to the members of the family during our house visits.Sr. Lysbeth, the provincial councillor extended heart felt thanks to His Excellency, that session ended at 6 p.m. after a short prayer.

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