Maria Sadan F. C Convent, Thetticode

Place : Thetticode
Established Year: 1980
Address: Thetticode, Kalaikavila P. O, K. K (Dt), Thamilnadu
Pin: 629153
Phone: 04651 244742

In response to the request of Rev. Fr. Antony Elechamkalam  the then Vicar of S.H. Mission Church, Padandalumoodu two sisters Rev. Sr. Clementina and Sr. Immaculate were sent to Thettiode by Rev. Mother Sales, the then Provincial Superior of Deva Matha Province, Changanacherry on 7th June 1979 to help the missionary activities of Thettiode Parish.  At the beginning they stayed in a small house belonging to the parish church.  Sr. Clementina worked as teacher in S.H. School Padandalumoodu.  Later a plot of 51 cents of land was purchased near the parish church and a building for the convent was constructed.  This was blessed by His Grace Mar Antony Padiyaria, the then Archbishop of Changanacherry on 7th September 1980 and sisters started to stay there on the same day.  Sr. Borgia was sent there to work as teacher in Malayalam Medium Nursery School at Padandalumoodu.  For conducting socio - pastoral ministry at this mission station Sr. Pushpam was sent from the Deva Matha Province Changanacherry.  The sisters visit houses irrespective of caste or religion.  During the house visits it was found that there were a number of mentally challenged persons in the neighbouring villages.  Hence Sr. Maria the their Provincial Superior of Deva Matha  Province with the consent of her council sent an application to the venerable Curia of Archdiocese of Changanacherry to allow to build a school for the Mentally Challenged on 10 cents of land belonging to the parish of Thettiode.  The application was sanctioned and a building was constructed on that plot.  The building was blessed on 1st December 1991.  Aseer Vidyalaya, school for the Mentally Challenged was started on the next day.  When the school has grown into a fully flourished special school with 65 children the building was found to be too small to be functioned as a special school.  Hence a plot of land was purchased near the convent and the school was shifted to the new building built on the new property.   The building and the property was given by to the Diocese of Thuckalay without receiving any remuneration.  On 11th February 2011 'Anugraha Garments' was started to give employment to grown up unemployed girls of the locality.  At first the centre was started on the first floor of the convent building.  Later a spacious building has been built and blessed on 8th May 2014.  The machines were shifted to the new building on the following day.  The sisters of Maria Sadan Convent serve at two parishes, Thettiode and Athencode.

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